CEA Safety Award Reflects Webcor's Safety Culture

Webcor's Safety team has won two prestigious industry awards: CEA's President Safety Award and Excellence in Safety Award

December 20, 2021

Awards / Recognition

Congratulations to our outstanding Safety team on being selected as the winner of two prestigious industry awards: the Construction Employers’ Association President’s Safety Award (Webcor Builders) and Excellence in Safety Award (Webcor Craft).

To qualify for CEA’s Excellence in Safety Award, Webcor’s safety team had to meet three of the five below criteria:

  • Total Incident Rate 25% below the industry average
  • Lost Workday Incident Rate 25% below the industry average
  • Experience Modification Rate < 1.0
  • A flat or negative experience modification trend
  • An active safety training program

According to CEA’s Safety Recognition Program guidelines, the President’s Safety Award recognizes member firms whose safety programs far exceed the industry standard. To qualify, Webcor’s safety team had to meet four of the five criteria:

  • Total Incident Rate that is 50% below the industry average
  • Lost Workday Incident Rate that is 50% below the industry average
  • Experience Modification Rate ≤ .70
  • A Cal/OSHA Recognized Voluntary Protection Program Construction (Cal/VPPC) Participant
  • Demonstration of an active training program that includes complete and accurate records containing the number and names of employees trained in (with approximate dates of training): OSHA 10 Hour; First Aid/CPR; competency in scaffold, excavation, and fall protection; other training.

"This recognition speaks volumes of our robust safety program and culture," says Webcor Safety Director Mario Rodriguez. "From choosing the right trade partners in preconstruction to our highly trained first-line supervision and craft planning and abating risks in real-time, safety is a shared value of everyone at Webcor. This award was made possible by every Webcorian."

"Earning the CEA safety recognition is a result of all the hard work and time that everyone at Webcor has invested in making Webcor's Safety program one of the premier safety programs in Construction," adds Regional Safety Director Brandon Hagerman. "It's a great feeling knowing that when we work for another general contractor that our employees are prepared to go above and beyond their safety program and also show other subcontractors how it should be done. This award goes to everyone in Webcor for their efforts!"